Nancy Blackett Semaphore Font
This is a TrueType (TTF) font of the Semaphore Alphabet as explained by Nancy
Blackett to Dick and Dorothea in Winter Holiday and as used in the
Swallows and Amazons books. The font has both upper and lower case; for each
letter the upper and lower case have different legs.
The Nancy Blackett Semaphore Font was given to TARS by Roland Harris, and is
©2006 Roland B. Harris. Members of The Arthur Ransome Society and
other Ransome enthusiasts are welcome to download and use this font for non-commercial
To download and install the font to a Windows system:
- Please click: NancyBlackettSemaphore.ttf
to download the font.
- Your browser should give you the choice of opening the file or downloading it.
- Choose to download the font; either it will download to your desktop, or ask
you where it should put it (in which case have it downloaded to a convenient folder).
- Once the font has been downloaded to your system, install it as follows:
- Click on START-->Settings-->Control Panel-->Fonts-->File-->Install New Font
- Choose the folder where you downloaded the Nancy Blackett Semaphore font,
select it, and click on Install.
- It should now be installed on your system and ready to use in any program.
- Alternatively, if you know what your font directory is (it is uaually at
C:WINDOWS\Fonts unless you've changed your default directory) you can
simply copy the font to that directory from where you downloaded it.
Instructions for Mac OS X:
- Download the font (if the browser tries to open the file directly and
displays gobbledygook, in the Safari browser you can right-click on the
"NancyBlackettSemaphore.ttf" link and select "Save linked file to...")
- Double-click or Open the downloaded file - it will open in the "Font Book"
- Press the "Install font" button.
If you have questions please eel-mail me at Dave Thewlis .